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Pokeweed Press

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Non fiction science books
Frank B. Edwards and John Bianchi met while working at Harrowsmith and Equinox magazines. Equinox was a science and geography publication that explored the wonders of Canada. Frank was an editor and writer; John was an illustrator and cartoonist.

During their kids publishing days at Bungalo Books and Pokeweed Press, they created a few non-fiction books that were well received by librarians across North America.

Robin Hood
Close Up: Microscopic Photographs of Everyday Stuff
By Frank B. Edwards. Micro photos by the University of Guelph
ISBN 978-0-921285-24-3, Reg.$6.95
48 pages, 8 x 8 inch
Grades 4-8

Nothing is as simple as it seems. At first glance, the bug shown on the front cover seems quite ordinary. It is small enough to sit on the end of a pencil and we cerrtainly would not be surprised to see a member of its species in our house. Yet, when magnified 82 times, we can see its mandibles and the eight eyes that dot its head. Close Up is a book that explores the world around us through the eyes of a scanning electron microscope -- a machine that can take us a million times closer to a whole lot of really small things. Readers get a headline clue so they can guess what is pictured, followed by a detailed description. 33 black and white photos.

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