Mortimer Mooner Makes Lunch
Written by Frank B. Edwards
Illustrated by John Bianchi
The morning that father Mooner sleeps in, Mortimer swings into action. While his father gets ready, showering, shaving and getting dressed, Mortimer heads to the kitchen to make the craziest lunch his father has ever eaten. All the while he is working on his masterpiece, Mortimer counts down the number of minutes left before his dad has to rush out of the house so he won’t be late.
Father Mooner jumped into his pants and buttoned up his shirt.
“FIVE minutes,” shouted Mortimer as he added some of his father’s favourite cheese to the sandwich.”
This wonderfully funny story takes young readers through a countdown as Mortimer works to get his father’s workday launched. After the amazing lunch is made, the reader discovers a delicious twist at the end of the story.
As usual, illustrator John Bianchi adds a zany dash of humour to a simple rhythmical text that is fun reading for parents and children.
Link to this short video by Frank B. Edwards and John Bianchi to learn 10 ways to help children become happy readers.
24 pages. Fully illustrated.
Reading level: Grade two (I)
Interest level by age: 3-7
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